Las Vegas Sports Book News – Sports Betting Apps: Handle or Hassle?

Mobile web  applications  for sport book betting are becoming more readily available for Nevada locals – and they come in handy even when there’s a sports book within a short drive. For the Vegas visitor, an app on their smart phone to place sports bets while in town can be convenient; however, part of the allure of Vegas for the sports fan is to actually take part in the sports book experience. Whether it’s having multiple high definition screens showing every game imaginable, the huge crowds on big sports days, or the comp drinks, most out-of-towners will still opt to actually visit the sports book to make their bets. As sports book operators begin to offer mobile sports betting apps, they surely will become popular with locals and visitors alike. That is as long as they are easy to use and customer  service is prioritized. As Michael James chronicled on the blog, the use of Cantor’s mobile sports betting app on a recent visit certainly yielded mixed results.   
I suppose the mobile sports betting apps within Nevada are just another option for convenience as well as keeping money out of the hands of off-shore books. Let’s just hope that it doesn’t follow the on-line poker pattern – although Vegas poker rooms are still popular around town, they don’t command the type of crowds that they once did…and that’s a byproduct of on-line games hitting computers and smart phones. I am cautiously optimistic that Vegas sports books will maintain their popularity as mobile sports betting apps become more available. I’m just not laying my whole bankroll on it.  This article which I came across recently provides more info about the rise in mobile gaming and specifically the mobile casino scene.
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